Friday, March 03, 2006

My life is a time capsule

My life is a time capsule,
Filled daily,
Kept religiously,
Then gradually lost –
Every little bit of it –
Along the way.

Like memory.

Those precious things,
The photos – so many that meant so much then faded like the friendships and the memories –
The posters – especially the one of Huey P. Newton with the ammo belts across his naked black chest, taken just weeks before the LAPD shoot out in the very building I visited weeks before as a seminarian learning about "the ghetto" –
The posters of Peter Yarrow’s one film, You Are What You Eat, the documentary of the hippie movement, before Peter, Paul & Mary, given to me – ok stolen by me – the night Barry Feinstein and I crashed the world premier, and the closing, of that great film.
The keepsakes and mementos – a rusting, bent spoon with a plastic flower tied to it, what was his name? David, I think.


Not irresponsibly. I kept them for years. Packed and unpacked them countless times. Squirreled them away in the attic (one time when I had one)
Or in the garage, till she took it over for her craziness.


Like memory.

The stories are there to be told, if anyone had any interest.
They have their own time capsules.

So my life is a time capsule
Filled daily,
Kept forever in the silent memory of my Beloved.


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